JTM Consulting Ltd. has been involved with BC Hydro Power Smart since 2001 and has been instrumental in the development and execution of many of the current Power Smart programs:
Assisted BC Hydro in the development and implementation of the Measurement & Verification (M&V) component of the Power Smart programs.
Provided technical assistance to BC Hydro Power Smart Marketing during the development of the large industrial incentive and study programs.
Provided technical input to BC Hydro Power Smart on Energy Efficiency initiatives such as Energy Studies, Commercial and Community Energy Managers, Building Operator training, and Certified Energy Manager.
Technical advisor to BC Hydro Power Smart on feasibility for electrical generating opportunities, including high pressure steam co-generation and micro-hydro.
Developed the original criteria for industrial on-site energy study inspections.
Technical advisor to the creation of the Customer Site Investigation (CSI) program for BC Hydro Power Smart.
Developed on-site electrical generation tracking sheet.
Developed the original Industrial and Commercial Energy Manager program.
JTM Consulting Ltd. has performed numerous Energy Audits for Industrial and Commercial customers.
Created a database of area and electrical energy intensity of all schools and health care facilities in the province of BC.
Measurement & Verification (M&V) professional for West Fraser Timber Forest Products Company.
In 2005, gave a presentation at the BC Hydro sponsored Power of Business forum.
In 2004, presented paper at World Energy Engineers Conference in Austin Texas on the BC Hydro Energy Manager program.
Facilitated forums for Commercial Energy Managers in 2004 and 2005.
JTM Consulting Ltd. works with our customers as partners to provide a broad range of engineering and project management consulting solutions that are on-time and on-budget!