over 100 years Combined experience

Helping our customers find solutions to grow their business.

Turnaround Management Portfolio

Planned and provided daily schedule updates for Plains Midstream Turnarounds from Alberta to Ontario from 2015 to present.

Part of a three-man team, implemented a preventative maintenance program for a newly built cement manufacturing facility. The program has been endorsed by the company’s head office and integrated as part of their “best practices” corporate procedures.

Planned and provided daily schedule updates for most of the Kraft pulp and paper mills from British Columbia to Manitoba from 1998 to present.

Turnaround manager for Plains Midstream Liquids for Empress Fractionation plant in 2018.

Planned and provided daily schedule updates for all Spectra Energy sour gas plant Turnarounds from 2008 to present.

Provided Turnaround scheduling services for Oriented Strand Board (OSB) plants in Alberta and Saskatchewan since 2016.

Provided Turnaround scheduling services for a cement plant in British Columbia.

Provided Turnaround scheduling services for a steel recycle mill in Alberta.

JTM Consulting Ltd. works with our customers as partners to provide a broad range of engineering and project management consulting solutions that are on-time and on-budget!